Collection: The Artisanal CheeseClock® - Strong

The Artisanal CheeseClock® is the perfect starting point to explore the world of cheese and wine pairings. It is divided into four flavor quadrants: Mild, Medium, Bold and Strong. To create a perfect plate, simply choose a cheese from each of the four quadrants and compose the plate according to the chart. The CheeseClock® is also perfect for beverage pairings, with each quadrant lending itself to certain wines, beers, and spirits.

Artisanal CheeseClock Quadrant Strong

The 3-6 o'clock Strong quadrant will finish your cheese tasting. Choose cheeses with a bigger presence, such as more assertive washed rind cheese or a classic blue cheese like Roquefort.

These cheeses should be paired with Dessert Wines, Ports, and Stout Beers.

21 products